It is an adjective!
Large or bulky of body; portly; stout; fat.
Thank you,
Try B that’s what I think
1. The more you practice writing, the better you become. You cannot just simply learn a skill without practicing and working hard on it. So when you finish a particular assignment, you learn a lot of new things, you learn what you could change, and then implement that knowledge into your next assignment.
2. Peer review is of extreme importance because you get someone else's insight into your own assignment. You may be biased when analyzing your own work, but if you get someone to review it for you, you will learn what you should change, work on, and improve so that you can be better in the future.
3. I would definitely suggest that they get someone to review their work because it can be quite useful. I can understand that not everyone is comfortable with other people reading their assignments and rating them, but in the end, it is all for the best - your future assignments will be better!
To an extent
It sounds more approtiate.