Maak n advertensie wat aandag trek. jy kan bv. lekker uitdagings gee wat die mense wat aansluit by die koerant kan doen sodat hulle belangstel. Gee die positiewe punte van hoekom dit goed is om by die skoolkoerant aangesluit te wees. Sluit die mense se wense aan in jou advertensie. Maak die advertensie snaaks. want dit is tog vir "skool kinders" so hulle sal belangstel in woorde wat
hulle ken en gebruik
Language is said to be lifeless because it doesn't have a life, It is something made up for humans to communicate, and is not meant to have a life.
Hmmm.... I want to say D because the womb is not usually asociated with death.
If I am wrong please let me know! We are all learning together :) Have a good day!
Грамматическая основа: (кто?) Медведь (что сделал?) вылез, отряхнулся, ушёл. (т.е. сочетание этих слов НЕ является словосочетанием)
Словосочетания: вылез (куда?) на берег, отряхнулся (как?) как следует, ушёл (куда?) обратно
The answer would be rashi has pain in her joints because subjective is when a patient describes pain that cannot be seen such as they feel hot or they feel pain in their joint. Objective is when you can see what is wrong with the patient such as Laila has a broken toe because you can see the broken toe