1. Miguel nadaba en la playa ayer.
2. Mi hermana y yo tomábamos el sol ayer.
3. Ustedes levantaron pesas ayer.
4. Yo monté en bicicleta ayer.
5. Tú comprabas zapatos nuevos ayer.
6. Ana y yo buceábamos en el mar ayer.
7. Usted miró la televisión ayer.
8. Decorábamos la sala para la fiesta de ayer.
9. La chica usó la computadora ayer.
10. Ayudé a mi madre con la cena ayer.
The past tense in Spanish indicates actions that have been performed in the past tense, therefore, following the instructions we must transform each sentence into the past tense, to achieve this we must identify the narrator in each one, their gender, and number to conjugate the verb logically and that this has concordance with what is being expressed.
Mis amigos me planearían una fiesta.
Because planean means they have planned party's for you . Planear means they are going to plan a party for you .
Hope this helps
Answer:El chico se despierta alas seis de la manana.Yo me almuerzo a las once y diez cada dia.Mis padres se lavan el carro.Mi hermano y yo nos acostamos hasta medianoche.Tu te cepillas los dientes.Vosotors os banais antes de salir.Mi amigo y yo no lavamos lavamos la ropa.Usted se levanta muy temprano.
I know this is correct because i speak spanish
the answer is A. Imperfecto progresivo.
The progressive imperfect is used to express something that was taking place in the past. It is formed using the verb to be in past (in this case: estaba) plus the verb ending in ing (ando, endo, in this case: cantando). It is mainly used for: on-going actions that were happening in the past.
Ellos (repitieron) el vocabulario en la clase de español
The past tense, or simple past tense, of the indicative is used in Spanish to express actions that began and ended in the past and took place in a timely manner or in a limited time space, or that interrupted another course of action also past and that It is expressed in the past imperfect.
El año pasado LLEGÓ una chica nueva a clase. Era china, de Pekín. Con un mapa nos EXPLICÓ todo sobre su país y su ciudad.
Ellos SALTARON la cuerda en la clase de deportes.