As the ice melts in the arctic regions, the arctic sea levels and the other oceans stay the same. The weather however changes when this happens and results to the Greenland's melting ice sheet adding another 20 feet to sea level rise.
In summary, the melting of polar ice caps effects would result in sea levels rising around 220 feet or more worldwide.
This will lead to destruction of lives, houses and properties due to water submersion.
I believe it goes in the following order top down
1 5 3 4 2.
mRNA or messenger RNA goes to ribosomes to dictate the genetic information that it contains .
Ribosomes act as work benches during protein biosynthesis.mRNA also called messenger RNA binds with the smaller subunit of ribosome at the time of translation.
The bound subunit of ribosome reads the genetic information as codons containing three concecuetive nucleotides present in mRNA thus helping tRNA to bring the particular amino acid specific for that codon at the A site or attachment site of ribosome.
Thereafter ribosome moves to the next codon to bring another amino acid and so forth.
Thus mRNA helps ribosome to brings the amino acids at the translation site.
Smooth Muscle
In the digestive tract it's called the muscularis mucosa.
The atmosphere is not an eycosystem