False. Death Valley is not along the equator and is certainly a large desert.
Miscegenation. Hope this helps:)
This overview of the Jewish religion stresses its four cornerstones: the Torah or law, foundation of Jewish teaching; the people; the land; and the love of God.
North american and Eurasian plates
Iceland has a divergent boundary formed by the above two plates and it sits on the Hotspot and a mantle plume as since iits between the Mid Atlantic ridges believed to be contributed in dispersal of continents across the ocean.
Egypt, as Herodotus wrote, is the Gift of the Nile. ... No Nile, no Egypt. It's that simple. But the Nile isn't Egypt's alone: its flow, and those of its tributaries, also waters the soils, and is fed by the rivers, of Sudan, Ethiopia, and several other African nations.
if u need anymore help with anything just comment and ill give u my email