The design is based on the intersection of two circles.
The pattern of intersection circles, and the repetition of them, create a sense of space. This architectural style was first used in the 7th century BC because of the aesthetics and symmetrical style and was incorporated by the Romans in the subsequent years in their main buildings.
It created two legislative bodies in Congress.
Te proclamation of 1763 by the British parliament was aimed to create a separating line between the Native Americans and white settlers and Appalachian Mountain was set as the separating line. They called all the white settlers west of the mountain to move East and to pay for the war debt of the French and Indian war. These efforts to tighten their control on the white settlers and to tax them for the war dept resulted in the resentment of the colonists and later for revolution.
"Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association" (CCBA) was established in 1883. The parent organization of the Chinese Community Center, the CCBA was founded in 1883 and has represented and served the needs of Chinese Americans in New York City ever since.