Vera, Saki's mischievious protagonist, is indeed a dynamic, or round, character who exhibits several traits. For one thing, she is a perspicacious young lady who is able to identify people's vulnerabilities and seize upon details surrounding her in order to weave a convincing tale that will deceive her audience. She, also, can quickly adapt her fabrications to the next person or situation as her spontaneous response to Mrs. Stappleton's inquiry about Nuttel's bizarre reaction when she has announced the return of her family. Certainly, Vera enjoys exploiting the weaknesses in others with her subtle and clever practical jokes.
Framton Nuttel is the nervous, insecure type. He worries about Mrs. Sappleton's reception of him when he is introduced, and he is uncomfortable throughout the telling of Vera's tale.
I asked my teacher and she said it is correct
Answer: A
It shows how books provide the speaker with an escape from social injustice
Tracy Lee Stum es una artista estadounidense mejor conocida por sus pinturas callejeras en 3D o dibujos con tiza. En un momento tuvo el récord mundial Guinness de la pintura con tiza más grande realizada por un individuo. Tracy Lee Stum comenzó a dibujar tan pronto como pudo agarrar un crayón.