1. 1932
2.The university system
3.He died before he took office
In the U.S., as many as 15 different federal agencies are responsible for keeping our food safe. But the lion's share of responsibility goes to the United States Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. The USDA oversees the safety of meat, poultry and certain egg products.
Answer: The history of California can be divided into the Native American period European exploration period from 1542 to 1769; the Spanish colonial period, 1769 to 1821 the Mexican period, 1821 to 1848; and United States statehood, from September 9, 1850 in Compromise of 1850 which continues to this Native cultures in California are much different from other Indian culture
Question 8
a Mughal ruler of India who practiced religious and cultural tolerance
Question 9