very nice servers are full tho
Have you ever seen an animal walking sideways, across the sand?
Observation is a very important part of science. It lets us see the results of an experiment, even if they are not the results we expect. It lets us see unexpected things around us that might stimulate our curiosity, leading to new experiments. Even more important than observation is accurate observation. Often, our eyes and our brains play tricks on us, letting us see what we expect to see, instead of what is actually there.
Usher's madness begins to increase because he can hear the sound of Madeline below.
Even though his sister is buried in the basement, he can constantly hear her scratching her coffin. He was tortured by these sounds until the protagonist came to visit him so he could share his troubles with him. Usher is afraid of his 'undead' sister and of dying himself, which is why he grows crazier and crazier by the day, until he is finally killed by his own sister in the end.