arguing that Mexicans had "shed the blood of our fellow-citizens on our own soil
U.S. participation in NATO was a break with tradition, since the United States for the first time set itself up to automatically get involved in foreign conflicts--something that was very unnerving for a country of people who for most of American's history had been very isolationist.
The correct option is C
Political parties are fundamental pieces for political plurality. In modern democracies, parties have become the gears of political conflict, generate it, contain it and, as the case may be, solve it. The opportunities for electoral participation have been framed by the decision of the parties and, to this extent, questions such as political culture depend on the perception of the citizenship on the partisan environment. We also see that after choosing representatives of the people, a very important tool that people have is to write to them or show their inclinations to certain projects by different trucks, such as a letter, a note in a newspaper or magazine or through internet pages.