Yes when fossil fuels are burned they release the carbon dioxide locked inside of them
that is why fossil fuels are a big source of global warming and we will eventually run out of fossil fuels
There is 23 chromosomes in one gamete
Answer: If the global warming trend continues and permafrost under the tundra melts, the biome that would you predict would replace it is:
Boreal Forest
Explanation: A boreal forest is a vegetation composed primarily of cone-bearing needle-leaved or scale-leaved evergreen trees, found in northern circumpolar forested regions characterized by long winters and moderate to high annual precipitation.
Infected cells create and release small proteins known as interferons, which help the immune system fight viruses. Interferons stop viruses from replicating by interfering with their ability to multiply within infected cells.
Enzymes are catalysts for chemical reactions in living things. Enzymes, like other catalysts, lower the activation energy and increase the rate of chemical reac- tions. ... This means that enzymes do not change the direction of a reaction— they just change the amount of time needed for equilibrium to be reached.