B false, every time it drops by a power of 10
Not only is the biota important, but the abiotic factors in the ocean are also important because both groups work together. The abiotic factors in the ocean help the ocean to 'work'. For example, phytoplankton (autotrophs) need light, nutrients, CO2 (dissolved gases) to photosynthesize.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Analogy: The golgi apparatus is like the host or hostess because they "deliver" or seat the customers at a table. Function: This organelle acts as a storage unit, water or food, for the cell. Function: This organelle makes proteins to be EXPORTED.
- Objective: purpose is to obtain Information
- Minimal legal requirements; no rights warnings
- cooperative relationship between interviewer and subject likely
- no guilt
- moderate planning
- Most Important: private and semiprivate; distraction could cause witness to forget key info
- Interrogations
- Objective: purpose is to test information already obtained, obtain valuable facts; eliminate the innocent; identify the guilty; obtain a confession
- extensive pre interrogation legal requirements; rights required
- hostile relationship likely
- guilt suggested
- extensive planning
- absolute privacy