the economy grows, jobs are plentiful and the market brings high returns to investors
Грамматическая основа: (кто?) Медведь (что сделал?) вылез, отряхнулся, ушёл. (т.е. сочетание этих слов НЕ является словосочетанием)
Словосочетания: вылез (куда?) на берег, отряхнулся (как?) как следует, ушёл (куда?) обратно
When using MLA formatting, the final page of your essay should contain the Works Cited page, because that is where you will state all the sources of your information that you have quoted and drawn upon to formulate your essay.
If we look at the lyrics or verses of Ophelia's song, we could presume that the theme would be either chaos, demise, Or lonely love. As a result of this song, Men on the court reports that Ophelia has turned out to be pitiable crazy and her psychological states could pull in a few inconveniences to herself and the crown.
"Comment ça va?" In French means "How are you?" In English