Answer: It is tuesday, tuesday is martes. Juan's birthday is the 30th of January on tuesday. Hope that this helps you
No se puede caminar en el césped.
Answer: BARCELONA, Spain (Reuters) - Spain's top matador and two colleagues were carried out on the crowd's shoulders after the last bullfight to be held in Barcelona on Sunday.
I need brainliest
El huipil es una prenda de vestir usada por mujeres pertenecientes a la cultura maya.
This is a Spanish summary of what a "huipil" is:
El huipil es una prenda de vestir tradicional usada generalmente por mujeres de la cultura maya en Guatemala. A su vez, el huipiil es una prenda de vestir muy coloridacon estampados y que tiene forma de blusa. Esta prenda se usa con una falda tradicional.
In English it says something like this:
The huipil is like a garment traditionally worn by women of the Mayan culture in Guatemala. Besides, the huipiil is a very colorful garment with prints and It has the shape of a blouse or a dress. This garment is worn with a traditional skirt. i got this from another brainly