A compound subject is two or more individual noun phrases coordinated to form a single, longer noun phrase. Compound subjects cause many difficulties in the proper usage of grammatical agreement between the subject and other entities (verbs, pronouns, etc.).
I once visited an orphanage for a field trip in high school. It was an orphanage specifically for babies or younger kids who were abandoned by their parents. We had to interact with the kids, play with them, feed them, create a program for them, and just spend some time making these kids feel like they weren't forgotten. It was heartbreaking to see such young kids already experiencing what many only experience in their adulthood: abandonment, loneliness, feelings of worthlessness and unwantedness. This experience really made me look at my life and try to appreciate what I have. I may not have the perfect family, but at least I have people around me who love and accept me. We should all strive to make each and every person we meet feel loved. As Elllen Degeneres says, be kind to one another. Because that's why we were put on this Earth.
Can you show a picture or something
The definiton of never is
"at no time in the past or future; on no occasion; not ever."
Because Tina doesn't like coffee she will never drink it.
Hope this helped :)
1. adam
2. jakub
1) in a boat
2) at the beginning of the story there is a stormy weather then the boat breaks
3) in the middle of the story we all land on an island with less food and ĺimited suply of water
4) in the end we all get home nice and safely
5) deserted island
6) by sharing the food so we don't stay hungry