One of the most desired spices, undoubtedly is cinnamon, because it has specific properties,such as preservative, particularly to preserve meat due to its antibacterial characteristic, another reason for being used by physicians to treat cough and sore throats among others.
It comes from Sri Lanka, before called Ceylon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum). Spices were so expensive, that this inspired Cristopher Columbus to find an alternative route to India to obtain them, because this would be a cheaper enterprise than buying them from middlemen and European monopolies.
People left that religion to go to Judaism
Rockefeller was able to build his monopoly across the oil industry since he bought up oil refineries, cut costs, and reinvested his profits in other refineries.
Rockefeller was an American oil industry business magnate, industrialist, as well as philanthropist. He is widely regarded to as the wealthiest American of all time, and the richest person in modern history.
Rockefeller's wealth sky rocketed as kerosene and gasoline grew in importance, and he turnt into the richest person in the country, controlling 90% of all oil in the United States at his peak.