At first he's afraid of the wolf, but he quickly understands that "[the wolf] knew him and owned [him] and chose not to do anything to him." His fear disappears. This chapter also explicitly reflects on the themes of change, autonomy, and survival as Brian recalls the moment in the wilderness that has defined him most.
The wrapping material around a consumer item that serves to contain, identify, describe, protect, display, promote and otherwise make the product marketable and keep it clean Packaging is more than just your product's pretty face.
if you were writing a narrattive story you would write it from there piont of veiw, or as a spectater.
Skimming the material quickly to figure out what is happening
By skimming a material you are able to find out the main parts of the text such as whats the storyline
The words that come out of my mind when I’m thinking about reading is boring”