Se conoce como período de entreguerras o interbellum al periodo histórico del siglo XX que va de 1918 a 1939. Cronológicamente, se puede establecer desde el final de la Primera Guerra Mundial el 11 de noviembre de 1918 y el inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial el 1 de septiembre de 1939.
A pesar de la relativa brevedad del periodo, éste representó una época de cambios significativos en todo el mundo. La producción de energía basada en el petróleo y la mecanización asociada se expandieron de forma espectacular, dando lugar a los locos años veinte, un periodo de prosperidad y crecimiento económico para la clase media de Norteamérica, Europa, Asia y muchas otras partes del mundo. Los automóviles, el alumbrado eléctrico y las emisiones de radio, entre otras cosas, se convirtieron en algo habitual entre las poblaciones del mundo desarrollado. Las indulgencias de la época fueron seguidas posteriormente por la Gran Depresión, una recesión económica mundial sin precedentes que perjudicó gravemente a muchas de las mayores economías del mundo.
Louis newspaper sums up America's despair over the successful Soviet launch of Sputnik, the first satellite to orbit the earth. This cartoon alludes to the warming relations between the Soviet Union and India, a formerly neutral country in the Cold War.
Because Jefferson was actually against slavery. Even while he owned slaves, it sickened him. however Jefferson as in some of his writings, feared that unless given a direction Slaves would not be productive members of society as they would not, and that due to their lack of education would rebel against their previous owners even thouh they became free.
Jefrerson battles with the idea of freeing slaves and the idea of the consequences of freeing the slaves giving them nothing and having come from nothing. to him it would have been just as bad to free them with nothing to stand on as opposed to keeping them in their current state until something better could be arranged for them.
Rhetorical analysis has seen a sort of revival in recent decades, after a long period of disuse. From the times of ancient Greece until the beginning of the modern era, rhetoric was considered a major tool for creating effective and esthetically appealing discourse. With the advent of modern thinking, however, rationality and a scientific definition of the ideas of "truth" and "empirical proof" displaced the idea of a constructed argumentation. It has only been since scientific truths themselves have been "relative-ized", at first through notions like "paradigms," and later through the introduction of concepts and tools such as "deconstruction" that analysts have again begun to consider the importance of a discipline related to the formal construction of argumentative techniques. But the revival is not exactly a new event. About 50 years have passed since PERELMAN and OLBRECHTS-TYTECA first published their "Traité de l'argumentation" (The new rhetoric: A treatise on argumentation). If rhetoric was ignored for so long it was because it became associated with manuals for florid but empty discourse, partly because modern belief in scientific discourse could not be placed in doubt. "Rhetoric" was defined as insincere, and pompous bombast. At the present time, however, rhetoric is seen in another light. It has become a tool for studies in philosophy, law, linguistics, literature, and in relation to mass communication and political practices. (1988) have been particularly eloquent with regard to the use of rhetoric for psychological, sociological, and political analysis