La unidad en que suele medirse la altura sobre el nivel del mar es el metro<span>. Se habla pues de </span>metros sobre el nivel del mar.
After the rise of Islam in the Hejaz, Arab culture and language were spread outside the Arabian Peninsula through conquest, trade and intermarriages between members of the non-Arab local population and the peninsular Arabs. The Arabic language began to serve as a lingua franca in these areas and dialects were formed.
In which plate boundary two plates move towards each other and collide called convergent plate boundary. And causes devastation. E.g. Earthquake, Vulcanicity. In which plate boundary two plates move in opposite direction and do not collide called divergent plate boundary. Mountain building is the result of this type of plate boundary's action. In transform fault both the plates slide each other and causes fault in the sea floor.
Plate is a rigid and solid crustal block which is mobile in character and found in the asthenosphere in the upper mantle. It prevails in semi liquid and viscous condition where plates move easily. There are seven major plates and twenty minor plates. Plates are of two types. Continental plate and oceanic plate.
Where two plates collide with each other that area is known as plate boundary and the edge of plate is known as plate margin. Plate boundary is of three types: Convergent, divergent and transform plate boundary. These are also known as constructive, destructive and neutral plate boundaries.
When two oceanic plates collide, the younger of the two plates (because it is less dense)* will ride over the edge of the older plate. *(Oceanic plates grow more dense as they cool or move further away from the Mid-Ocean Ridge). The older, heavier plate bends and plunges steeply through the athenosphere, and descending into the earth, ir forms a trench that can be as much as 70 miles wide, more than a thousands miles long, and several miles deep.