(E) that good works in addition to faith can help to secure a place in heaven
Which of the following was NOT reaffirmed at the Council of Trent?
The Council of Trent (1545-1563) was a council of the Catholic Church prompted by the Protestant Reformation; in fact, it was the most important movement of the Catholic Counter-Reformation and it does not reaffirmed that good works in addition to faith can help to secure a place in heaven
Because there are so many mobile devices, digital platforms and mediums that can be used for bullying, several different types of cyberbullying have emerged. It's important to differentiate and understand them, although any type of cyberbullying can cause the victim to become depressed, anxious, or self-harm.
Theyre more likely to become democrats
Answer: Civil liberties impose limits on the government's ability to interfere in our individual lives
Civil rights are there to ensure that people are treated equally in a country regardless of some of their characteristics such as race, gender or disability.
Civil liberties on the other hand are those basic freedoms that people should have in a country. In the U.S. that includes the Bill of Rights which protects things like: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and the right to privacy.
Civil liberties therefore limit the government's ability to interfere in individual lives by guaranteeing the freedom of individuals to live a certain way.
In cases involving lesser felonies, misdemeanors, and petty offenses, police officers are more likely to <u>"informally handle the crime."</u>
A Misdemeanor is an offense other than activity infraction of which a sentence more than 15 days however not more prominent than one year might be forced (New York State Penal Law, Article 10). An misdemeanor is a wrongdoing. Petit robbery, criminal naughtiness in the fourth degree and attack in an exhaustive round of questioning all fall into this classification.
A Felony is an offense for which a sentence to a term of detainment more than one year might be forced (New York State Penal Law, Article 10). A felony is a crime.
Hope it helps!