Lincoln Elementary School has a policy that prohibits students from running in the halls. Ms. Davis, the hall monitor, waits by
the cafeteria doors every morning from 8:00-8:30, watching for "runners." The schedule of reinforcement being used by the school—and Ms. Davis—to stop students from running is a.
Reinforcement schedules may be carried out after a number of resposes or a specific length of time. Ratio schedules involves reinforcement carried out after a certain number of responses while interval schedules are carried out based on a specific time frame.
Similarly, Fixed schedules involves responses carried out within a known or predictable time frame while variable schedules aren't fixed and are thus unpredictable.
In the case of Ms. Davis narrated above, she carries out reinforcement every morning between 8:00 - 8:30 a.m ; Thaibdepicysbthat reinforcement occurs at a fixed time and duration ; this means the time is known and the period is time is specified. Hence, this is a FIXED INTERVAL SCHEDULE.
disadvantages of security cabinet: 1. Pay scale is not up to the mark: The most common disadvantage that you can hear from everyone about the secretary job is the pay scale.
E. However, I understood that my level of engagement with these materials was not as profound as it was with primary texts such as Shakespeare’s plays.