As each green wave rose from the churning water, it illuminated within itself the six- or eight- foot- long bodies of twisting sharks. I would say this conveys a feeling of danger and apprehension as if leading up to a possibility whereby someone could get hurt by the sharks.
D. Synthetic and fabricated are the closest
something used to communicate or capture memories
Point of view is essentially who is telling the story, such as first, third, and so on.
The answer is: [D]:
They are often used to combine choppy sentences.
Conjunctions are often used to combine choppy sentences.
Note: The questions asks about CONJUNCTIONS —NOT about "contractions".
Choice "A" is incorrect. They are not used to combine two or more LONG sentences. If sentences are already long, then do not need to be combined with a conjunction.
Choice: "B" is incorrect. To the contrary, the use of conjunctions actually makes sentences longer.
Choice "C" is incorrect. To the contrary, the use of conjunctions should be used (appropriately, of course) in essays. The use of "contractions" should not be used in essays or formal writing.
Choice "D" is correct. They are often used to combine choppy sentences for better reading and engagement.