it became legal to teach slaves to read and write
The federal bureaucracy has grown exponentially over time, as has the complexity of the tasks it must perform and the demands for services placed upon it by the American people. The Constitution calls for executive branch departments to assist the president in executing the laws of the nation.
" i ate five slugs from my garden"
While there were many other factors, threats and violence definitely were key aspects to Hitler's rise to power. His use of terror tactics made people obedient through fear. After acting upon his threats, they knew if they didn't follow him, there was a good chance they would die. He used a sort of manipulation that while brutal, tends to be effective, as portrayed through many events and leaders in history, such as the French Revolution, Mao Zedong (China), Stalin (Russia), and Leopold II (Congo).
December 29, 1845
that when he founded the colony of Texas