The Answer is B, it says weekly meeting and every Friday. the sentence would still make sense if one of those was taken out.
Bees are very small and Amazing insects. It's body is divided into 3 Parts-Head, Abdomen and thorax. In the front part, they have 2 legs and the back part they have 4 legs.The color of it's body is yellow and Black. The stringer of the Bee is very poisonous.These insects belong to the order Hymenoptera. The most common species is Apis mellifica. These are well-known for their organized social life and great economic importance. The nest of honey-bee is called bee-hive, which is commonly found on tall trees. The Bee swam is divided into three- Workers, Queen and Drones.
Worker bee forms the majority within a hive; size is very small; work in number of capacities—cleaner, nurse, builders and architects, technician, soldier and porter.
Drone bee—slightly larger than the workers; noisy and idle; comes out of the hive only at the time of nuptial flight.
Queen bee—very large with a tapering abdomen; generally a single matured queen is present in each hive; responsible for the laying of eggs.
A queen bee can lay 2,500 eggs in a day.In the lifetime of a HOney bee, it will be able to produce 1/2 teaspoon of honey.Worker bees have a 6 to 8 week lifespan.Honey bees are super-important pollinators for flowers, fruits and vegetables. This means that they help other plants grow! Bees transfer pollen between the male and female parts, allowing plants to grow seeds and fruit.
A colony of bees consists of 20,000–60,000 bees and one queen. While a queen bee can live up to 5 years, worker honey bees only live for about 6 weeks and do all the work. Honey bees have been producing honey in the same way for over 150 million years.The only insect that produces food that humans eat is the honey bee.
Thanks to you, because of you today I came to know about bees. I wasn't aware of Bees this much. I researched alot about them and had written the answer.
I think the answers A -connect its topic to those of other speeches.
I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is option A. The correct pronoun would be "me". <span>Let's just keep that idea between you and me. Although, this is the most appropriate pronoun to use, "I"has been become accepted as correct. Hope this answers the question.</span>
There are lines here quoted from "The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus" written by Christopher Marlowe. I believe they are to be matched with their correct allusions from the given elements of Greek mythology.
1. Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight, And burned is Apollo's laurel bough, That sometime grew within this learned man.
THIS ALLUDES TO a symbol of fame and reward, belonging to the god of divination. Apollo's laurel bough is used to allude to the crown of laurel that was placed on victorious athletes in ancient Greece.
2. Swoll'n with cunning of a self-conceit, His waxen wings did mount above his reach, And melting heavens conspired his overthrow.
THIS ALLUDES TO Icarus and Daedalus. Icarus was the son of Daedalus, who made him artificial wings (using feathers and wax) and warned him never to fly too close to the sun. He violated the warning of his father, and his wings melted leading to his death. That's what was alluded to by the line above.
3. Her lips suck forth my soul: see, where it flies!-- Come, Helen, come, give me my soul again. Here will I dwell, for heaven is in these lips, And all is dross that is not Helena. I will be Paris, and for love of thee
THIS ALLUDES TO the Trojan war. This is line makes reference to Helen of Troy in Greek mythology. The Trojan war was fought over her.