James Madison wrote Federalist paper No. 10, in which he described how a central government would avoid breaking down into factions. The purpose of the Federalist Papers in general was to convince anti-federalist states to ratify the Constitution.
Federalist No. 10 continues the discussion begun by Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 9. Hamilton had enunciated the destructive nature that facicious behavior could have in a republic, so Madison addresses the possible way to eliminate its negative effects. Madison defines the faction as "a number of citizens, who can be both a majority and a minority of the total, united in an action motivated by passions or interests contrary to the rights of other citizens or contrary to the permanent interests of the community". The author identifies the unequal distribution of wealth, generating the division into social classes within society, as the main cause of the faction.
France's King Phillip Vl snatched land from King Edward lll and retalliation had to follow.
cooperation is the act of working together to achieve a common goal
There were 4 major causes (actually) that led to the Great Depression, which were:
-the stock market crash in 1929
-bank failures (similar to the one in 2008, but I'm just nerding out at this point)