Some conditions that might have led Samuel's decision to commit a crime could've been students picking him, making fun of him, bullying him. Anything that had to do with other students acting negative to Samuel is what I think is the reason Samuel made this decision.
There's a bunch of things that could've been done to help Samuel. Such as discussing the issue to his parents or sibling, telling the principal what the problem was, etc. Samuel would just need someone to talk to about what was going on, this would probably help him. <em>"Were there signs at school or home that he was at risk? </em><em>I don't understand what this means sorry.</em>
There are barely any at my previous school that I used to attend. Some additional measures that would need to be added would be weapon, drug, etc., detected doors, staff members checking students' bags, etc.
Theories of punishment can be divided into two general philosophies: utilitarian and retributive. The utilitarian theory of punishment seeks to punish offenders to discourage, or "deter," future wrongdoing. The retributive theory seeks to punish offenders because they deserve to be punished.
If you have a temporary restraining order and a court hearing coming up, you cannot “drop” the case. ... If you already have a “permanent” restraining order and you want to dismiss (drop) the case or change the restraining order, you must file papers to go to court and ask the judge.
Sorry for your loss, and Happy Veterans Day!