Russia entered World War One on the side of the Allies against the coalition of Germany and Austria-Hungary (the Central Powers) in 1914. The Russian army performed very badly during the war, suffering several defeats, numerous casualties and losses. There were also famine and production shortages in the country in those convulse years. The people were desperate and very angry with the tsarist government. TheTsar was forced to abdicate in February 1917, a moderate government took place. In November 1917, the Bolsheviks organized a succesful revolt and took power. Causes? Military distaster, food scarcity and famine, political and social chaos, weakness of the central authorities; all those factores contributed to the Russian Revolution of 1917.
The famous translator for conquistador Hernán Cortés was an Indian woman, the so-called La Malinche. Other names for her were Malintzin, Doña Marina. In Mexico, she´s seen as the embodiment of betrayal and lack of love for your own culture and people. She was the daughter of a local tribal chief , but after her father´s death she became a slave, and Cortés got her as a present. Malintzin was very talented for languages; she spoke her own dialect, nahuatl (the tongue of the Aztecs) and several other regional dialects. Cortés saw she could be very useful for his plans of conquest. Malinztin became one of Cortés´ lovers and played a great role in communication between the local peoples and the Spaniards.
The French Revolution was started by the country's "third estate", which was composed of the Burgoise and the Working Class. This sector of society was enraged due to the monarchies mismanagement and excessive grant of benefits towards the Clergy (The First Estate) and the Nobility (The Second Estate).
Creole leaders such as Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin were inspired by these uprisings, as they believed the Spanish Crown used the colonies as mere sourcing points for their riches and were not reciprocal in developing them. To the contrary, the Spaniards executed high taxes which made it unbearable for the Colonialists (Creoles).