(क) अभि + गम् + ल्यप् = अभिगम्य
(ख) वि + हा + ल्यप् = विहाय
(ग) निर् + गम् + ल्यप् = निर्गत्य
(घ) वि + हस् + ल्यप् = विहस्य
(ङ) प्र + क्लृप् (कृप्) + ल्यप् = प्रकृप्य
(च) सम् + बुध् + ल्यप् = सम्बुध्य
<h3 />
Its C btw
1. 14235
2. 12534
For the first one it should be 14235, which to me look correct
The second one is difficult to understand, So I am not to sure about it but to me I think its 12534. Unless you feel confident about the second one.
Slaves kept their African heritage alive by telling stories of their ancestors.
Slaves had to live where their owners told them to.
Slaves could be bought and sold at market.
The differences between the two were said to be that the Meccan surahs dealt with core issues of belief, whereas the Medinan verses included the “legislative verses” of the Qur'an.
The Medinan surahs are those supposed revelations that occurred after the move. Meccan surahs are typically shorter than Medinan surahs, with relatively short verses (āyāt), and mostly come near the end of the Qur'an. (As a general rule, the chapters of the Qur'an are ordered from longest to shortest.)