It sweats. The sweat can cool the feet down... CAUSE THEY ARE ON FIRE
<span>One of the essential early steps in the inventing process is creating a prototype--which, simply defined, is a three-dimensional version of your vision. Creating a prototype can also be one of the most fun and rewarding steps you'll take. That's because developing a prototype gives you the opportunity to really tap into your creativity, using those skills that inspired your invention idea in the first place. And whether you're making your prototype at home or hiring the services of an engineer, seamstress or machinist, it's truly exciting to see your idea transformed into something tangible and real.</span>
Anaphase I begins when the two chromosomes of each bivalent (tetrad) separate and start moving toward opposite poles of the cell as a result of the action of the spindle. Notice that in anaphase I the sister chromatids remain attached at their centromeres and move together toward the poles.
the guy who is type O
using a punnet square you can come up with 4 seperate possiblitys for the baby's blood type. We don't know any of their recessive traits tho so im pretty sure its O. i could be wrong tho!