If you want a unique vacation, visit San Juan, in Puerto Rico. You can go on vacation to San Juan by cruise or by plane. In San Juan you can eat in restaurants, walk along the avenues, listen to music in the streets, visit museums and shop in the city market.
This is the translation I case it is needed
Answer- a city vacation
1. Anteayer Danilo fue a la playa.
2. ¿Cómo fueron tus vacaciones en Perú?
3. Yo fui presidente del club de ciencias.
4. Ustedes no fueron a clase el viernes pasado.
Identifying the narrator and the time that a sentence indicates is the first step that must be taken. this is very important to be able to logically conjugate the verbs, and that these have concordance with what is being expressed.
-ai: Aire
-ei: Aceite
-oi: Oigo
-au: Audaz
-eu: Euforía
<u>Diptongo decreciente</u>: vocal fuerte + vocal débil