The Abolition movement focused on granting slaves their freedom. However, it also hoped to end social discrimination and segregation between people of white and black color. The Women's Rights movement fought to provide women the right to vote. ... It was passed in 1865 and banned the use of slavery in the United States
Nobody chooses the rulers. If its through a system of heredity, when the rulers die their children take over.
It is hypocritical because racism and segregation did not apply if a white person was being tended to by the nurses. This means that while they are not equal or important when it comes to the law they are equal and important if they happen to have a white patient who needs them. And they can't be both at the same time.
3rd Parties do not have a lot of members, do not have huge rallies, are not very "out there", are not filmed by the media often, are not often publized. One example is the Green Party which is a liberal party.
George Wallace of the American Independent Party won at least one state.
Martin Van Buren in 1848 is a good example f someone who was popular but won 0 elector votes