Correct answer is Bacchus, God of fruitfulness and vegetation.
Greek gods had their equivalents in the Roman mythology, therefore they usually had similar attributes. He was one of the most adorned deities in the Ancient world. People created festivals in his name, with the goal to salute him. He is also one of the most frequent representation in the art of that period.
The white potato<span> is referred to as the "</span>Irish potato<span>" because it is associated with the is the most important commercial variety produced in the </span><span>United States.
Yes , I agree.
European countries became the most powerful countries among the other countries through conquest and trade especially in spices and also in textile.
India's land perfectly suits to grow spices and cotton while the conditions in European countries were not suitable.
As their countries were not suitable to grow the raw material for their industries European countries started colonising different countries.
Whenever Vasco Da Gama found the sea route to India the arrival of different European countries started.
However the search of wealth and prosperity by India also made it to be colonised by European countries.
Not my own answer.... It's from Google but hope helps you.
So What Are We Supposed To Do, Read The Book To You, Go Read A Book Or Go On Google You Imbecile
In this case the word "infringed" means "<span>violated," since indeed it is restricted in the sense that there are certain firearms that people are not allowed to possess. </span>