The French, Spain, and Minutemen
the reformation by the protestant churches pulling out from the catholic church brought a great awaking to Bible scriptures and the word of God
iramccook12 avatar
the great church leaders at that time understood the scriptures which is the word of
Hobbes believed that in man's natural state, moral ideas do not exist. Thus, in speaking of human nature, he defines good simply as that which people desire and evil as that which they avoid, at least in the state of nature.
The correct answer is: Dwight D. Eisenhower won the presidential election.
When he became the U.S. President, Dwight D. Eisenhower went to Korea in order to find a solution to end the Korean War. We could even say that thanks to the Korean War, Eisenhower was elected the new U.S. president.
During his presidential campaign, President Truman, challenged Eisenhower to find an adequate solution for the Korean War. Eisenhower said that if he were the president, he would personally go to Korea to terminate the war. This statement raised his popularity and helped him to become the U.S. president.
Shortly after the elections, Eisenhower fulfilled his promise and went to Korea. When he returned to the U.S. he adopted a tough policy toward communism in Korea and threatened to Chinese communists that he would use even a nuclear weapon if the peace negotiation began to move forward. After that, the Chinese agreed to the U.S. terms in 1953.