regular exercise just gets your body moving used to moving. it keeps your heart healthy and your muscles healthy. flexibility issues are usually caused when people don't move and don't get their exercise.
Approximately 1.10729 quarts.
First, you convert 2 quarts into liters by multiplying by the U.S. customary unit 0.9463529460.
Subtract your product, 1.89270589, from the available 3 liters.
You get 1.0729411 quarts remaining.
If you were using imperial quarts, you would instead multiply 2 quarts by 1.13652 and continue along the steps.
He may have some form of internal bleeding following the fall and the fact that he sometimes has prolonged bleeding could indicate hemophilia or some other blood clotting disorder. Also, since the patient was recently on antibiotics this could be a factor of the bleeding as it's possible he could have developed thrombocytopenia which is causing the excessive bleeding.
Match each term with its opposite term of orientation or movement.