Career Summary and Goals: A description of what you stand for (such as work ethic, organizational interests, management philosophy, etc.) and where you see yourself in two-to-five years. Professional Philosophy/Mission Statement: A short description of the guiding principles that drive you and give you purpose. Resume: A summary of your education, achievements, and work experience, using a chronological or functional format. Skills, Abilities and Marketable Qualities: A detailed examination of your skills and experience. This section should include the name of the skill area; the performance or behavior, knowledge, or personal traits that contribute to your success in that skill area; and your background and specific experiences that demonstrate your application of the skill. List of Accomplishments: A detailed listing that highlights the major accomplishments in your career to date. Accomplishments are one of the most important elements of any good job search. Samples of Your Work: A sampling of your best work, including reports, papers, studies, brochures, projects, presentations, etc. Testimonials and Letters of Recommendations: A collection of any kudos you have received — from customers, clients, colleagues, past employers, professors, etc. Some experts even suggest including copies of favorable employer evaluations and reviews. Awards and Honors: A collection of certificates of awards, honors, and scholarships. Conference and Workshops: A list of conferences, seminars, and workshops you’ve participated in and/or attended. Transcripts, Degrees, Licenses, and Certifications: A description of relevant courses, degrees, licenses, and certifications. Professional Development Activities: A listing of professional associations and conferences attended – and any other professional development activities. Military records, awards, and badges: A listing of your military service, if applicable. Volunteering/Community Service: A description of any community service activities, volunteer or pro bono work you have completed, especially as it relates to your career. References List: A list of three to five people (including full names, titles, addresses, and phone/e-mail) who are willing to speak about your strengths, abilities, and experience.
since you are now a fashion reporter, ypu HAVE to get the latest info from gossip, emergencys, and alot more. Its just like being a TV reporter but as fashion and gossip.
<span>He used the one-point perspective as a way of creating space. This perspective used the concept of a single vanishing point in the distance as a way of giving the illusion of space. Many other drawings before this used multiple vanishing points, so the idea of having a single point in the distance that all objects pointed toward was a revolutionary concept.</span>