descriptions of places, description of people, and relevant facts and details.
<span>A longer sentence structure can give a reader the feeling that the pace is slowing down. Heavily-detailed sentences and paragraphs can make time feel as if it is standing still. Shorter sentences without detail can make time seem as if it is flying by instead of slowly progressing.</span>
When I first started writing professionally, there were a lot of basic questions in my mind, one of which was, What are the major differences between a short story, novelette, novella, and a novel?
Novellas and novelettes might not be very common, but we often see short stories and novels. Knowing the differences, however, is still important. Although they are all works of fiction, each type has its own purpose. In this article, I will try to put light on some of the major differences between flash fiction, short story, novelette, novella, and a novel.
Beginners will find this very helpful in their writing journey. Apart from some of the basic differences in terms of word count, you will also learn a few technical points that differentiate these works of fiction.
Nick sells bonds on Wall Street with Walter Chase