conceived of building a more impressive tomb for his king by stacking mastabas on top of one another, progressively making them smaller, to form the shape now known as the Step Pyramid
Public policy is best described as the broad area of government laws, regulations, court decisions, and local ordinances.
Today, government affects all aspects of our lives. Everyone has a stake in the public policies enacted by federal, state, and local governments.
Many citizens and groups try to influence public policy through the political process by supporting candidates and political parties. That's a good way to make a positive impact, but not the best way.
Politicians and political parties come and go. Their positions on issues can change due to circumstances. They can be voted out of power as easily as they are voted in.
The best way to make a lasting impact on public policy is to change public opinion. When you change the beliefs of the people, politicians and political parties change with them.
The Mackinac Center for Public Policy is changing the climate of public opinion and ensuring a prosperous future for Michigan by promoting sound economics and better policy ideas.
Central or Axis: Germany, Austria, Italy(later an allied power in ww1)
Allies: Britain,France And Russia