Who do you love? Tell your friend or family member you do. We all need to hear that we are loved.
Cheer up one who is discouraged with a hug, spending time with her, sharing truth, giving hope, telling a joke.
Encourage someone beginning a new job with the latest motivational or business book in hardcover or on Kindle.
Make it a point to do what is good for all. People notice and appreciate it when you put others’ needs before your own.
Some people are most encouraged by acts of service; rake leaves for an elderly neighbor, plant a porch pot and keep it watered, take the garbage to the street each week and return the empty can to the garage after pick-up, walk the dog.
Spouses need encouragement. Leave “Post-it” notes with words of gratitude and love thoughts in special places.
Remind one who is struggling in a relationship that God loves each of us with an everlasting love. He never quits on us, he never gives up on us.
Love on your spiritual leaders regularly, by sending her a card or note in the mail, asking him to breakfast or lunch, or offering your time in a helpful way.
Be patient with the clerk at the store, especially when there is a long line and challenging customers. Offer an additional word of thanks.
Look out for a co-worker. Everyone needs someone to be in their corner, to have their back.
Pray for someone when they share a hurt or burden. Right then. People are more blessed when you pray with them immediately, rather than saying I’ll be praying for you.
Do a task normally done by your partner. Just because.
Listen to a young person and value their ideas and opinions.
Choose to live a life of character and integrity. It encourages others to stay the course and model your example.
Give a gift handmade by you.
Encourage a friend to put her hope in God who richly provides everything for our enjoyment.
Pick up the phone and take time to listen and encourage someone who lives far away. Don’t do all the talking.
Validate the one you’re speaking with; the one who is sharing their heart may be feeling a lack of self worth. It’s a wonderful thing to be validated by a person you truly like and admire!
Have a few small gifts on hand to give someone, just because.
Be quick to listen and slow to talk. Sometimes, the best encouragement is a listening ear.
Let your friend know you pray for her/him regularly.
Encouragement can provide people with strength to look ahead, move forward,and reach for the next goal. The whole emotional tone of a tough situation can be transformed through encouragement.” Put another way, encouragement can help us do the things that we might not ordinarily do.