Венера (/ ˈviːnəs /, классическая латынь: / ˈwɛnʊs /; родительный падеж Veneris / ˈwɛnɛrɪs /) [a] - римская богиня, в функции которой входили любовь, красота, желание, секс, плодородие, процветание и победа. В римской мифологии она была предком римлян через своего сына Энея, который пережил падение Трои и бежал в Италию. Юлий Цезарь объявил ее своим предком. Венера была центральным элементом многих религиозных праздников и почиталась в римской религии под многочисленными культовыми титулами.
Below are the choices:
a.the natural beauty of Long Island Sound and how it complements Gatsby's charm
<span>b.the carefree but false happiness of the affairs and their guests </span>
<span>c.the grotesque violence from which Gatsby's great wealth was acquired </span>
<span>d.the discomfort felt by all the guests who do not know much about Gatsby's past
</span>In his florid descriptions of gatsby's lavish parties, fitzgerald captures the carefree but false happiness of the affairs and their guests
I would go with:
A theme is best written as statement because a theme is main thing of a story, the author could also use a statement in a story to make it seem more alive or more real.
I Hope my answer worked for you :)
1. The view point of this media is to tell you not to drink while driving because it's dangerous.
2. The techniques used to draw attention to this media piece is the bright red and white stripes and the cop at this dude's car and beer flowing out of the car's window.
3. The techniques are effective because it's telling you how dangerous it is and it'll help people understand this issue better.
I hope this helps.
Bcz these are things