B is the worst way to assess what u r the best @
the type of touch is task-related.
the haptic communication is way of non verbal communication in which the sense of touch is used to communicate. when talking about task-related we are referring to a job in which touching is essential. for example a doctor needs to touch his patients.
These touches are directly associated with the performance of a task. These touches can be further classified as: Reference to appearance: Point out or inspect a body part or artefact referred to in a verbal comment about appearance.
Media can influence how we see things no matter what it is, relationships, food preferences, religions, political ideals, etc. The impact of media such as books or television or any other source can lead us to make a connection between what the media focuses on and whatever is happening in our lives.
An example here would be if you read. a story about a girl and her pet and you connect it to you and your pet. Whatever happens in the book may start to influence what you believe. For example if the dog in the book does a certain thing that is said to signify something, you as the reader may believe the same thing about your dog. This can also go the same for relationships wether they’re with a significant other, friend, or family member.
Sublimation is a coping mechanism in behavioral psychology where negative instincts are channeled to more positive activities to curb the negative urges. For example, a person could have a negative attitude like anger. If he realizes that this anger could have a destructive effect on him and decides to channel it to something more productive like cleaning the house, then he is applying sublimation as a coping mechanism.
This is what the teacher is trying to do in Ed's case. Having seen that Ed has a negative disposition to anger, the teacher is trying to redirect the energy that would have been expended in anger to something more productive, in this case, playing football.
"if it was like this, what would not it be with these, that, besides a pair of eyes, WE LIVE, WE WERE FORMED, had the true forms of beauty?" 'wave', of Ax of assis. The highlighted words are classified as the degree of which adjective?