Impeaching the president. i know this because i’ve learned about this before,and because it happened to us this year with our current president.
I was walking around my neighborhood, just any ordinary day in August. I came to this empty playground with a basketball court, so I decided to sit down. This playground was the playground of all playgrounds. It had anything a 7 year old could ask for. As, I was shooting my basketball, a kid around my age came on the court on a bike. He seemed pretty annoyed so I tried to avoid him as much as I could. Well, he didn't get the message, and started riding around me in circles, being super rude. I pushed him out of my way trying to protect myself, when a lamp fell out his green and blue backpack. Obviously, I had to pick it up, and as soon as I did, the light around me flashed, and I was transported to this Utopia. There were fountains of chocolate and caramel, a 200 inch T.V., a brand new PS5(even though I prefer XBox), and so much more. I was amazed and scared at the same time. I yelled for my mom's name, and even tried to contact the boy who got me into this scenario. I thought I was completely alone, until I heard some laughing coming from this room to the left of the tower of candy. I walked in the room, and that's when I saw... TO BE CONTINUED
For me
4. Yes this was because he was his child hood friend
5. The time he untied him to help him flush out a crane
6. Yes he intended to do that because he was his child hood friend
7. Yes because he was my child hood friend and he has a wife and a child at home
8. He was honest and reliable unlike other people who would have escaped
You have to many responsibilities like to take care of the church
He is ashamed because his parents behave very selfishly with the arrival of Mr. Dussel.
"Diary of Anne Frank" is a play that seeks to reproduce the moments lived by Anne Frank's family while they were hiding to avoid being taken to the Nazi concentration camps. Anne Frank's family was Jewish and is hiding in a very small place together with the Van Daan family, who was also a Jewish family.
The two families live with little space and small amounts of food, however, Mr. Frank, decided to help yet another Jew to hide, Mr. Dussel. However, the Van Daan family did not like this idea and they behaved in a very bad manner when Mr. Dussel arrives in hiding. Mr and Mrs Van Daan are concerned about the amount of food now that they will have to feed one more person. This makes their son, Peter, very ashamed.
Peter is also embarrassed when everyone in hiding finds out that Mr Van Daan is stealing the food.