Answer: D) Segmental level, projection level, precommand level
Explanation: The hierarchical organisation of the motor control system is only one aspect, besides it there is a parallel one. The motor control system is responsible for regulating movement and as such is crucial for the body's motility, which includes directional movement and reflexes. Of course, motor control only exists in organisms that have a nervous system.
As for the hierarchy of the motor control system, the lowest in the hierarchy is the segmental level. It consists of reflexes and parts of the nervous system in charge of automatic movements.
Second in the hierarchy from the lowest to the highest is the projection level and helps in the functioning of the segmental level, i.e, for the regulation of reflexes and for monitoring the multi neuronal system.
The highest level is the precommand level, which is responsible for controlling the output impulses that control the finest, most precise movements of the body, responsible for starting and stopping movements, regulating the muscles, and preventing unwanted movements.
In Roman society, the aristocrats were known as patricians. The highest positions in the government were held by two consuls, or leaders, who ruled the Roman Republic. A senate composed of patricians elected these consuls. At this time, lower-class citizens, or plebeians, had virtually no say in the government.
Debra Medina claimed that nullification was possible by state laws that could neutralize federal laws. She based her claim on the 10th Amendment, which establishes that any power not constitutionally granted to the federal government can be held by the states.
The Constitution doesn´t enable the nullification of federal laws by the states, and several academics have stated that it could be illegal since the Supremacy Clause pronounces federal laws as the supreme national law. So nullification would overthrow the constitutional interpretation held for 200 years.
Let us also remember that Gov. Rick Perry, who supported nullification, had already skipped the nullification issue by starting a debate about secession. This debate is a reminder of the time when state rejection of racial integration had to be stopped by the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.
I think it's called Salt Lake