Word indicates a possible misspelled word with a red wavy line that appears beneath it, so option B) is the correct one.
As regards option D) the bold green line that appears beneath the word is to show an incorrect grammar structure such as no subject- verb agreement.
Options A) and B) do not apply for misspelled words. A beep sound applies after a grammar and spelling check for example. Also, the spelling dictionary does not pop up automatically as it is available when doing the grammar and spelling check.
Film is a universally understood language because, like reading, it brings the viewer to a new world. Throughout different genres of films you can find different forms of inspiration. A good musical will almost always make you want to sing. A touching romance will make you appreciate your partner more, or make you long for a true love of your own. A war movie can show you the brutalities of battle and show you the sacrifices people make for a cause. Horror movies make you afraid and teen culture shows, no matter how cheesy, always end up making you laugh. Film inspires because it connects to our emotions. Fear, love, sadness, anger, joy, sacrifice, and disgust. Emotions are felt by everyone, everywhere. That is how film connects us, through how we feel and that is how film is understood b everyone, everywhere.
I am not sure maybe the narrative was in a different piece