7/10 or 8/10
7/10 fits the standards of what goes on in music. Just trust your gut, but I think 8/10 works too
Answer: USA
The biggest textile industry in the world is found in China. It is the greatest place where textile is both exported and produced. Textile that they are producting in the factory is after that going to every part of the world and especially in the United States of America. The textile is also going to Europe, Australia, Asia, and more.
Charlie Parker was the composer who refused to play facing the audience to avoid other musicians figuring out his signature motives and styles.
Before photography was created, people had figured out the basic principles of lenses and the camera. They could project the image on the wall or piece of paper, however no printing was possible at the time: recording light turned out to be a lot harder than projecting it. The instrument that people used for processing pictures was called the Camera Obscura (which is Latin for the dark room) and it was around for a few centuries before photography came along. The first photo picture—as we know it—was taken in 1825 by a French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. It records a view from the window at Le Gras. In 1839, Sir John Herschel came up with a way of making the first glass negative. The same year he coined the term photography, deriving from the Greek "fos" meaning light and "grafo"—to write. Even though the process became easier and the result was better, it was still a long time until photography was publicly recognized.