Better late than never. Alls well that ends well. This too shall pass
A character expects the opposite of what the reader knows will happen.
A character acts in a way the reader knows to be unsuitable or untimely to the actual circumstances.
A character makes a statement that the reader recognizes as sarcastic but which the other characters in the story may not.
Dramatic irony is defined as the "When the audience knows something the character does not"
In all of these situations, the character does not know what is happening but the audience does.
Lines 81-93 of Staton's Statement of Sentiments utilize characteristics of ethos, which is rhetoric with appeal to ethics.
The Declaration of Sentiments was considered the first document that listed the injustices suffered by women, such as the impediment of the right to vote, the salary they received, the purchase of property, the occupation of important positions in companies, participation in the Religious Ministry and divorce. This letter had a strong ethical appeal and marks the official beginning of the Women's Liberation Movement, which seeks to end the old social roles of women, built in the light of patriarchy. The main purpose of this movement and discussed strongly during the Convention was the right to vote for women, won in the United States in 1920
fables are intended to have a moral of the story. The characters are usually animals personified as humans. Most famous fables have been around scince 620 bce.