The <span>Fifteenth Amendment </span>had practically no effect in southern states, which devised numerous ways such as poll taxes and grandfather clauses to keep blacks from voting. Over time, federal laws and Supreme Court judicial opinions eventually struck down voting restrictions for blacks. Eventually, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 which established a commission to investigate voting discrimination.<span> And in 1965 the Voting Rights Act was passed to increase black voter registration by empowering the </span>Justice Department<span> to closely monitor voting qualifications. that is basicly what i know but i hope this does help =)</span>
The Supreme court was involved in the case, but the people who argued for their clients were Addis Emmet and Thomas J. Oakley argued for Ogden, while U.S. Attorney General William Wirt and Daniel Webster argued for Gibbons.
juliet wants to prove that she will love romeo overtime, and her intentions are true. romeo just automatically loves her and knows she does.