The closer the star the larger The Parallax angle.
The primary mechanism driving the X-ray emission in traditional supergiant high mass X-ray binaries and supergiant fast X-ray transients is the accretion of stellar wind material by a compact object.
We present the first simulation of the fast and dense massive star wind accretion onto a neutron star in this paper, taking into account the effects of the centrifugal and magnetic inhibition of accretion ("gating") caused by the spin and magnetic field of the compact object.
We modeled the nonstationary radiatively generated wind of an O-B supergiant star using a radiative hydrodynamical code, and then we positioned a neutron star with a fixed magnetic field and spin period at a specific distance from the massive companion.
To learn more about Parallax Star here
C If both sides of an artwork are different, they are not balanced.
When photos have the wrong colors online, it is unsettling to look at because the goal is to attract the audiences eye. Color values change the mood and tone of pictures which is why it has such an effect. For instance, when you use complementary colors, you're attracted to the colors because your eyes vibrate at the sight. People say black and brown don't look good together in interior design or clothing because you can't outshine the other.
I'd say you should try to find the photo and add maybe a sentence or two more about it because I'm sure you were given some examples and I don't want to find the wrong photo