Since this is a listening and comprehension exercise, I can't solve it for you. But I can give you some tips so you can solve it for yourself.
Some of the most common activities in a Spanish routine are the following:
Despertarse Wake up
Levantarse Get up
Bañarse Take a bath
Cepillarse los dientes Brushing teeth
Desayunar Have a breakfast
Ir a trabajar Go to work
Almorzar Have lunch
Ir al gimnasio Go to the gym
Preparar la cena Make dinner
Mirar televisión Watch TV
Limpiar la casa Clean the house
What you should do is try to identify some of these activities and link them to the corresponding people.
Pretty sure it’s in past form
uhhh I'm not sure about yo ex buh I'ma give him 5
In order to correctly complete this exercise, you have to fill-in the blanks in each one of the sentences using the correct form of the Spanish imperative (imperativo) for the different verbs provided. You will have to take into account the subject of each sentence in order to choose the most appropriate inflection in each case. <em>In the first half of the exercise you will have to use the personal pronoun "usted" as a subject for the sentences, while in the second half you will have to use "ustedes".</em>
<em>lave</em> (lavar) la ropa con el nuevo detergente.
<em>Salga</em> (salir) de su casa y disfrute del aire libre.
<em>Dígame</em> (decir) todo lo que piensa hacer hoy.
No <em>beba</em> (beber) demasiado en la fiesta.
<em>Venga</em> (venir) preparado para pasarlo bien.
No <em>se vaya</em> (irse) sin probar la langosta de Maine.
No <em>coman</em> (comer) con la boca abierta.
<em>Oigan</em> (oír) música clásica en casa.
No <em>pongan</em> (poner) los codos (elbows) en la mesa.
<em>Traigan</em> (traer) un regalo a la fiesta de cumpleaños.
<em>Vean</em> (ver) programas de televisión educativos.
<em>Conduzcan</em> (conducir) con precaución (caution) por la ciudad.