I’m on the same question lol
Here is a website for meaningful poems. I think you can find a good one on here. I couldn't really find a clean meaningful rap song so I tried to find a poem, but I don't know what kind of thing you like so here you go, https://classicalpoets.org/2016/01/07/10-greatest-poems-ever-written/
The term hippocampus is related to brain research because the hippocampus is the part of the brain that contains memories, emotions and learning.
I don't know the second part, sorry-
Becki put 224 stamps on her stamp collection book
14 on each page, and filled 16 pages (14 x 16)
C - the Sheriff did not understand the true meaning of what Mrs. Hale
said. There were multiple ways to make what she was making and the men
walking in did not know the intricacies of the process and assumed it
was just what the word phonetically sounded like.