Bansky secret helped make him famous.
Bansky uses the walls of building for his painting.
There are many ways to increase and build your confidence.
1: First of all, you should try seeing yourself the one you want to become. For example, if you want to become a lawyer or a judge then you must behave like them and give yourself that much importance and they deserved which will boost your self confidence.
2: You should love yourself first, this will increase your confidence, because when you start loving yourself then you are sending signals to the outside world as well that they should also love you.
3: Try to face and conquer your fears, this is only way you can have power over your fear and it will also boost your confidence.
4: Try learning one new thing every single day and them implement it in your life, it will move you towards continuous improvement process which in return will boost you confidence.
5: Try to love and respect others as well which in return will boost your confidence because other people will start liking you and send positive signals for you which help you in coordinate with them properly making your confidence boost.
6: Always try to help other people. When you help other then it will help you in producing Dopamine in your body which is the happy hormone and it also helps in boosting confidence.
7: Try doing tasks in smaller steps, divide the bigger tasks in smaller parts and chunks, which will help you in completing them with much ease. When you complete certain tasks and achieve your goals, it also help in boosting the confidence level.
The pig's mother told them make their own house because they became older and needed to take care of themselves.
It's got to be usually thats what peer editing is for, to find areas for improvement in the essay since your peers can provide valuable information from a student's prospective instead of a teacher's prospective. (Hope this help)
I think you are intended to pick B, but I think D is an answer most teachers would agree with. A wage paid the average teacher does not permit the spouse to stay at home to raise children.
C is OK but it is very stilted.
A leads you nowhere.